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Monday, 14 December 2009


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I have just finished some detached leaves for a stumpwork project from Di Van Niekerk and I wish I had thought about the split backstitch. Mine came out fine but it was the first time doing this type of embroidery. Thanks for the tip as it will definitely help me improve my skills as I progress through this project.

Elmsley Rose

Thankyou very much for outling the technique of detached petals using long and short stitch. I've always buttonholed mine, but know I'd like to do some L&S ones one day - so pretty!


Sandy! I need your recipy for Orange Truffles! They are too good!


Thank you so much for sharing!

Judy in Pittsburgh

This was SO GREAT! Just the info guidelines I needed to do some stumpwork flowers on an heirloo piece I'm doing! Thanks so much....Judy in Pittsburgh

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