I have started on the detached petals for the Or Nué blossoms. I am not ready to attach them yet but am keen to see how they will look.
I have used 30 gauge wire on the petals and couched them with a single strand of silk, the same silk used to couch the gilt passing thread.
In Stage 1 I have simply couched down the wire in the shape of the petal. You may notice that the wires to not meet at the base of the petals. This is intentional for the shape of the petals.
In Stage 2 I have worked buttonhole stitch over the wire to form the edge of the petal.
The little blobs of thread in the centre of the petal are the pin stitches I have used to start and finish each thread. These will be covered later when the petal is filled with long and short stitch.
Before starting the long and short stitch I prefer to work a split backstitch around the inside of the wire. As I usually work my detached elements on quilters muslin rather than fabric colour matched to the thread (except with very bright/dark colours), this will prevent any of the muslin from showing through if there are any gaps between your long and short stitch and buttonhole edge.
Notice I have also worked a row of small split backstitch along the arch at the base of the petal. This will prevent any fraying when cut out.
Lastly I filled the petal with long and short stitch and added a few gold stitches. I think the gold stitches will help tie the petals in with the gold Or Nue background.
If you find long and short stitch a challenge, or would just like to perfect your technique, I can recommend Mary Corbett's long and short stitch tutorialon Needle n' Thread. The tutorial takes you through 9 lessons, starting with simple shapes and moving onto more complex shapes as each lesson progresses. The lessons are very detailed with excellent photos and diagrams accompanying each lesson.
I have just finished some detached leaves for a stumpwork project from Di Van Niekerk and I wish I had thought about the split backstitch. Mine came out fine but it was the first time doing this type of embroidery. Thanks for the tip as it will definitely help me improve my skills as I progress through this project.
Posted by: Avis | Monday, 14 December 2009 at 08:23 PM
Thankyou very much for outling the technique of detached petals using long and short stitch. I've always buttonholed mine, but know I'd like to do some L&S ones one day - so pretty!
Posted by: Elmsley Rose | Tuesday, 15 December 2009 at 04:45 AM
Sandy! I need your recipy for Orange Truffles! They are too good!
Posted by: Melanie | Tuesday, 15 December 2009 at 10:13 PM
Thank you so much for sharing!
Posted by: méri | Wednesday, 16 December 2009 at 04:16 AM
This was SO GREAT! Just the info guidelines I needed to do some stumpwork flowers on an heirloo piece I'm doing! Thanks so much....Judy in Pittsburgh
Posted by: Judy in Pittsburgh | Tuesday, 09 February 2010 at 02:54 AM