You all must have thought I had fallen of the planet- but no just, really hectic with life.
I have managed to do some stitching. I am working on a new design as well as stitching a cute little felt fairy which I’ll show you tomorrow!
Today, I’m all excited about starting my Floral Glove Needlecase.
Thanks to Tricia Wilson Nguyen and the Thistle Threads team for the opportunity to re-create a little piece of history.
With my email instructions arriving in the previous week, I had plenty of time to read through the instructions. I found the instructions and diagrams for long and short stitch comprehensive and informative and gleaned a few little tips for improving my satin stitch. I loved the close ups of the stitched examples provided. I have referred to them regularly while stitching and it is the next best thing to having the teacher with you – in fact it tops that! I can refer to the samples whenever I need to – got to love that!
I haven’t used the Au Ver a Soie Soie Paris before. It is so smooth and lustrous. It blends together beautifully when doing long and short stitch and glides through the previous stitches with ease.
I think my long and short stitch is a little more "haphazard" compared to the Tricia's work so I am trying to be a little more disciplined with my stitching. Old habits die hard though.
I'm having a bit of trouble downloading/uploading my photos from my camera today so I will post some photos when I update my progress on the needlecase.